22. POS Display

For a display for our biscuit packages we considered doing a tall stand consisting of segments.

But after looking at that style and our packaging style we decided against it. We think this example would fit our brand and the current Ernest Adams brand.


  • We would like Desireables to be displayed on slanted shelves kind of like bread stands.
  • This would push the product forward each time a customer brought a box and would keep the shelves looking like they are fully stocked. It would also allow the packages to be stacked showing the front and top faces which have the main eye catching design and details you want consumers to see first.
  • We would have smaller displays of this neutral wooden display with smaller ‘sampler’ boxes’ for the checkout counter tops to act as impulse buys.
  • This smaller version which gets placed on counter tops would also work for places that promote health like gyms. People who work out still have a sweet tooth but are much more wary about what they eat. So having this option there for them would open the brand up to a whole new audience.
  • A bit of information about the biscuits will be put on a brochure which will sit in a clear plastic brochure stand either beside the mini stands on desks or attached to one of the front parts of the big stand. Just to let consumers know why these biscuits are a great alternative for a sweet treat.
  • Each side on the big and small stands would have a banner which is the height of the stand to draw in attention as it will be so bold.